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by Paul Martin
Washington Times Article
The Islamic radical movement Hamas and the mainstream Palestinian militant movement, Fatah, are waging a struggle for leadership of the Palestinian uprising in which the score is kept in Israeli dead. Over four days late last
week, Hamas leaders noted proudly, the group produced four
"martyrs" who blew up a total of 16 Jewish youths at a
Jerusalem cafe and a Jewish settlement.Fatah, meanwhile, killed 12
Israelis - including two babies, a Under the green flag of Hamas, a bearded father stood erect and without tears alongside a clean-shaven older man whose son had died in the same suicide operation. The bodies of both, the fathers said, were mangled by an Israeli tank that ran over them. "I have eight more sons to give to the struggle as martyrs," declared the father of Mohamed Fatouh, who blew himself up alongside an Israeli armored vehicle a week ago. "I'd been trying to become a martyr for nine years and am still alive, sadly, so I'm proud we have a martyr in the family at last."
The suicide killers were Hamas supporters, but followers of the mainstream Fatah movement attended the wake and pleased those in attendance with a speech as virulently anti-Israeli as those of the Hamas orators. "Fatah has started to imitate us," noted Hamas' most important leader at the "martyrdom" party, Mahmoud el-Zahar. Fatah, founded and still presided over by Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat, conducted more conventional operations through the early part of the 17-month-old intifada, he said. But he said Fatah had turned to suicide attacks after seeing how effective they were. Indeed, in the Fatah-controlled
Deheisheh refugee camp close to Bethlehem, a more subdued but similar
ceremony took place earlier last week. There, a stream Dr. Zahar said the two
movements sometimes work together, as when Hamas agreed to a short
cease-fire in December to preserve Palestinian common purpose. But he
said the group balked at efforts to put some Hamas leaders under
symbolic house arrest, leading to clashes with Fatah that left six
persons dead in a Gaza refugee camp.
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